Camelthorn Business Ventures No. 2 (Pty) Ltd.

  • Project category

    Production d'énergie renouvelable et durable (PERD)

  • Estimated budget


  • Capacity in MW


This is a 5 MW solar photovoltaic (PV) power plant under Namibia's pilot Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariff (REFIT) Program being managed by NamPower - one of 14 licensees under this pilot program. USAID/Southern Africa provided funding for the development of the REFIT Program. The SPV, Camelthorn Business Ventures No. 2, is a partnership between four Italian entrepreneurs, a construction company called Investment and the Outapi Import Trust of Namibia, a charitable trust owned by the Governor of the Region, and the Town CEO. Inno capital (Pty) Ltd will provide Camelthorn Business Venture (Pty) Ltd with an amount of $8.16 million for the development of a 5 MW Solar PV in Outapi.

Project Follow Up

  • Lead financier

    Le SPV, Camelthorn Business Ventures No. 2, est un partenariat entre quatre entrepreneurs italiens, une société de construction appelée Investment et l'Outapi Import Trust of Namibia, une fiducie de bienfaisance appartenant au gouverneur de la région, et le PDG de la ville. Inno Capital (Pty) Ltd fournira à Camelthorn Business Venture (Pty) Ltd un montant de 8,16 millions de dollars pour le développement d'une installation photovoltaïque solaire de 5 MW à Outapi.

  • Co-financier (if applicable)

    L'USAID/Afrique australe a fourni des fonds pour le développement du programme REFIT.

  • Budget Total en Millions d’Euros


  • Equity in Millions of Euros

  • Financial Products

  • Project status

    Clôture financière

  • Technique Assistance in Millions Euros