Centrale solaire de RUBIRA (11MW)

  • Your profile (NGO, company...)

    Point FOcal de l'AREI pou le BURUNDI

  • Project category


  • Estimated budget


  • Capacity in MW


La Centrale solaire de RUBIRA est etablie a l'ouest du BURUNDI dans la zone de meilleure ensoleillement dont la production peut se faire toute la journee.

Economic and financial criterias

  • i. Ability to produce electricity or heat or other forms of energy for productive use in small and medium scale agriculture, manufacturing and community services.

    capacite de production de 11 MW

  • ii. Creation and maintenance of local jobs, whether for management positions and technical positions for assembly and maintenance of systems.

  • iii. Ability to stimulate economic diversification and growth (including local economic development)

  • iv. Economic benefits occurring within a reasonable period of time (in case a loan has been contracted rather than a grant)

  • v. Ability to raise funds to extend the project

  • vi. Ability to induce energy market transformation, innovation and cost reduction

  • vii. Accessibility at an affordable price for the majority of consumers

  • viii. Joint financing agreements (a factor demonstrating the willingness to carry out the project)

Environmental criteria

  • i. Impact on greenhouse gas emissions, including carbon dioxide and methane

    pas d'emission de gaz a effet de serre

  • ii. Impacts on local ecosystems and ecosystem services

    ecosystemes locaux et les services ecosystemiques sont proteges

  • iii. Impacts on land use and other land use impacts

    utilisation de 2ha

  • iv. Recyclable nature of technologies exploiting renewable energies

    c'est une energie renouvelable

  • v. Any other environmental criterion required by the national regulations / legislation in force

Institutional criteria Part 1

  • i. Compliance of the project with the priorities of the country concerned / region, without objection from other affected and affected countries, especially if the project has cross-border scope

    LE projet se trouve parmi les projet inscrit dans le plan national de developpement du BURUNDI (PND) sur 10ans (2018-2027) que le BURUNDI s'est fixe

  • ii. Synergy with ongoing / planned activities in the country (to avoid redundancies and incompatibilities during the implementation phase, while facilitating the healthy diversity of stakeholders and actions)


  • iii. Applicant's current capabilities, and track record demonstrating his ability to successfully complete the project, particularly with respect to his environmental and social duty of care

    demande accrue

  • iv. Reproducibility

  • v. Durability

    durable suite au maintenance par les societes de gestion

Project Follow Up

  • Lead financier

  • Co-financier (if applicable)

  • Budget Total en Millions d’Euros

    28.8 Mio USD

  • Equity in Millions of Euros

  • Financial Products

  • Project status

    Les etudes de faisabilites sont disponibles

  • Technique Assistance in Millions Euros