Centrale hydroelectrique regionale KANYARU 1

  • Your profile (NGO, company...)

    Point Focal AREI au Burundi

  • Project category


  • Estimated budget


  • Capacity in MW


Centrale hydroelectrique regionale 14.5 MW combinee avec Irrigation de 12mille ha sur la riviere AKANYARU (RWANDA et BURUNDI) pour le developpement du secteur de l'Energie et de l'agriculture dans la region transfrontaliere. Ce projet a une tres grande valeur ajoutee sur le developpement industrielle de la region

Economic and financial criterias

  • i. Ability to produce electricity or heat or other forms of energy for productive use in small and medium scale agriculture, manufacturing and community services.

    Le projet va produire 14.5 MW et 12 mille ha seront irrigues pour l'agriculture

  • ii. Creation and maintenance of local jobs, whether for management positions and technical positions for assembly and maintenance of systems.

  • iii. Ability to stimulate economic diversification and growth (including local economic development)

    le projet va generer l'emploi a la population

  • iv. Economic benefits occurring within a reasonable period of time (in case a loan has been contracted rather than a grant)

    au debut de la construction il y aura creation d'emploi immediat pour la population de la region

  • v. Ability to raise funds to extend the project

  • vi. Ability to induce energy market transformation, innovation and cost reduction

  • vii. Accessibility at an affordable price for the majority of consumers

    acces a l'energie moins chere

  • viii. Joint financing agreements (a factor demonstrating the willingness to carry out the project)

    a chercher

Social criterias

  • i. Empowerment of women

    Les femmes et les enfants auront acces a l'energie

  • ii. Involvement of local stakeholders and civil society

    implication des deux gouvernement et des investisseurs nationaux

  • iii. Proof of social acceptance and local ownership

    la population a soit de l'acces a l'energie et est prete a acceuillir favorablement le projet

  • iv. Improving equity in access to energy and promoting energy democracy

    tout le mnde aura acces a l'energie et au peroduits agricole moins cher

  • v. Respect for human rights and the rights of indigenous peoples

    Les lois sur les droits de l'homme sont respectes

Environmental criteria

  • i. Impact on greenhouse gas emissions, including carbon dioxide and methane

    pas d'emmission des gaz a effet de serre

  • ii. Impacts on local ecosystems and ecosystem services

    les ecosystemes sont proteges

  • iii. Impacts on land use and other land use impacts

    les terres occupes par le

  • iv. Recyclable nature of technologies exploiting renewable energies

    l'eau turbinee retourne purifiee dans le cours d'eau

  • v. Any other environmental criterion required by the national regulations / legislation in force

    Respect des lois de la preservation de l'environnement

Institutional criteria Part 1

  • i. Compliance of the project with the priorities of the country concerned / region, without objection from other affected and affected countries, especially if the project has cross-border scope

    Le projet est prioritaires dans le plan de developpement du pays

  • ii. Synergy with ongoing / planned activities in the country (to avoid redundancies and incompatibilities during the implementation phase, while facilitating the healthy diversity of stakeholders and actions)

    ce projet sera fait parallement avec les autres projet. Le pays est pret a mettre son investissement

  • iii. Applicant's current capabilities, and track record demonstrating his ability to successfully complete the project, particularly with respect to his environmental and social duty of care

    capacite accrue

  • iv. Reproducibility


  • v. Durability

    durabilite garantie

Technical criterias

  • i. Robust technical design

  • ii. Robustness and risk of failure / maintenance requirements

    Les risques sont partages

  • iii. Degree in which manufacture / assembly is carried out on national or African soil

    l'assemblage des equipement se fera sur site du projet

  • iv. Capacity of the network (main and / or mini-grid) to absorb the production of power plants exploiting renewable energies and to absorb a variable energy yield

    Le reseau 220kV est en cours de construction KIGOMA - GITEGA et RUSUMO -GITEGA

Project Follow Up

  • Lead financier

    NELSAP, bailleur de fonds, gouvernements respectifs

  • Co-financier (if applicable)

  • Budget Total en Millions d’Euros

    100 Mios USD

  • Equity in Millions of Euros

  • Financial Products

  • Project status

    Les etudes de prefaisabilites disponibles et l'etape de recherche de financement est en cours

  • Technique Assistance in Millions Euros