Construction d’aménagements de micro hydroélectricité destinés à l’électrification en Guinée

  • Project category

    Centrale électrique

  • Estimated budget


  • Capacity in MW


Construction of 2 small hydropower plants (11 MW each), associated with electricity networks to build, extend or rehabilitate.
To secure the supply of a quality electrical service
The project is under preparation. The feasibility and environmental & social impact assessment studies are expected to be finalized in June 2019. Calls for tenders for the construction of the dam will be launched at the end of 2019. Process for selecting construction’s company will be held in 2020. Construction should start in 2021.
The contract is under preparation. Finalization of the studies will allow AFD funding to be granted. The project proposal approved by the TAM in 2017 but the redesign of the project (increasing of power capacity of dams) leads to begin again the process. Project proposal will be submitted to TAM during the first half of 2019 and for AIP approval in the second half.
The project aims at the construction of 2 small hydropower plants (11 MW capacity eah), associated with electricity networks (probably MT / LV) to build, extend or rehabilitate. These two projects, planned in different parts of Guinea, will supply energy to the isolated sites.
In addition to this component of works, a Technical Assistance component would make it possible to set up an international project management for the supervision of the works, and to reinforce the capacities of the project owner, the public company Electricité de Guinée which will also operate the infrastructure.

Project Follow Up

  • Lead financier


  • Co-financier (if applicable)

  • Budget Total en Millions d’Euros


  • Equity in Millions of Euros

  • Financial Products

  • Project status

    Préparation du projet

  • Technique Assistance in Millions Euros
